Saturday, January 3, 2009

Busway..oh busway

After I moved to new office, I always go to work by busway. Because it's the fastest and the cheapest way. The ticket price is IDR 3,500. But in the morning I usually pay IDR 2,000 because before 7 am, the ticket price is cheaper. That's why I often run from my boarding house to the nearest busway shelter in order to get the discount (what a "money eye" girl).
But in the busway there's always be a big problem for me because it's often very crowded in the busway. I feel like a fish in the can (iwak sarden) because although there're a lot of people in the busway, the "kenek" (i don't know what's the English word for kenek alias kondektur) is still pushing more people to go inside. In the morning it's better because most of the passengers are just taking a bath so the smell is still good. But sometimes there're some people who have bad morning breath (i called it "bau umbel") so if i smell it, i try to move my head to the other side so i will get fresher air.
The most terrible problem is when I went home on the afternoon. All of the passengers (except me) are sweating and having a horrible odor. Many kinds of bad "natural perfume" are surrounding me (hoek2). Like yesterday, when i was sitting in the busway to Kalideres (the most terrible busway because most of the passengers are labors i think because they are sweating) there were two men standing in front of me. Of course they had their arms wide open in the air and the AC flew right to their "ketek" (OMG..Ria please help me to find the right words for ketek and kenek). Suddenly a very very bad smell like rotten "salak" (what's salak in english?) hit me like a lot of bullets from bazooka. I almost vomit my lunch (rice with fried chicken) and I tried not to cover my nose with perfurmed tissue because I knew it will break their self confidence. I just tried to be polite.
I remember a story from television or a book (I forgot it) that if a person was sweating and had a bad smell it means that he worked very hard. It's a very good thing because a lot of sweat=work hard. That's why I tried to respect all of the sweating people in the busway although the smell is torturing me like crazy.
The last story about busway, there're always be "ungentleman" guy in the busway. There's a sticker which told every passenger to give a seat to elderly, disable, pregnant woman and children. But, some of people don't care about it especially the men. During my experiences to travel with busway, i see that women are more compasionate than men. Women is often giving seat to pregnant woman, etc while the men try not to look at the pregnant woman because they don't want to give their seat. OMG, what's happen with Indonesian men. How "ungentleman" they are.
In my office there're a lot of foreign people (especially male) and they are very gentleman. One day I was in the same lift with a foreign man and when the lift opened, he asked me to come out first. "Lady's first", he said. So....that's why I always like bule and I hope I could marry a bule guy when I was young.


Sri Riyati said...

Lol (laugh out loud). Rotf (Rolling on the floor).
Hwakakakahahahahuahuhuhehehehe. Aku ngerti gimana rasane soale aku juga penumpang busway. Cuman sing aku pingin garis bawahi: yakin nih EXCEPT ME??? Kan kowe juga work hard=mambu kelek. Aku bnr2 seneng mbaca tulisan Inggrismu. Kowe kuwi bakat ngelawak tenan. Btw Salak (Salacca zalacca)-rak elit banget sih jeneng latine, koyo jenenge wong Sundo, Marni Sumarni, Joko Parjoko, eh kuwi Jowo yo- bahasa Inggrise nek rak salah snake fruit. Lha nek kelek kuwi armpit nek kenek kuwi mas Jalal. Sing penting dudu inggrise, sing penting artikelmu lucu dan menghibur, bikin aku yang lagi sendirian di Roma ketawa2 sampe keselek salak. Untung bukan duren hwekeke. Keep writing Kris. Nanti nek wes balik ning Chapelthorpe aku nulis maneh. Mosok ning Roma gaweanku ngendon ning warnet. Mending ngendon ning kantormu sing lawas kan podo wae. Khekhe. Mengko nek kartu posE wes tekan email aku yo. Btw makasih met tahun barune. Ojo hubungi HPku (keri ning Florence) mengko nek duwe nomer anyar tak kandhani. Lhah iki comment opo email jal??

Baek Sung Jo Oppa said...

haha..mosok si kondektur=mas jalal? ngarang yo kowe. aku beneran takon ki.btw soal kebelet kuwi kudune ditulis neng blog juga. ooo...salak=snake fruit..soale kulite koyo ulo tapi nek kiwi=mouse fruit dudu? kan mirip2 tikus hehe..

Baek Sung Jo Oppa said...

btw aku work hard tapi ora mambu kelek soale kantorku ac ne atis. lagian walaupun aku keringeten tetep rak mambu kelek soale aku kan koyo han shiang..selalu wangi. tapi goro2 mau isuk numpak ojek, mambune helm tukang ojekE tekan nempel ke hiks hiks,,,

Sri Riyati Sugiarto & Kristina Melani Budiman said...

Kris tulis wae tentang kebbelet kuwi, tapi ojo di post sek, mengko tak tambahi. Judule nek iso sing keren, misale: Gairah hasrat tak tertahankan=kebelet. Kudu puitis pokoke. Mosok sih kowe koyo Han Siang? Kan Han Siang anake bakul parfum. Lha kowe anake bakul mie yo mambu duduh garang asem ho...^_^

Baek Sung Jo Oppa said...

hahaha..mengko wes taktulis karena pengalaman kebeletku kuwi akeh banget..kebelet di saat ga tepat hahaha...mengko yo...tunggu wae...orak tak post sek..kowe nambahi. mengko bengi wes..iki lagi dikejar2 asale


Sejujurnya, inilah Ria dan Kristina...

Ria dan Kristina, sama-sama punya ide-ide yang nggak masuk akal saking nggak bangetnya pikiran kami berdua. Obrolan kami ini, berkat kemajuan jaman dan menjamurnya aplikasi internet (hiduplah Indonesia Raya!), kami sekarang bisa tuangkan di blog. Dulu kami suka ngetik-ngetik pake mesin ketik manual di belakang kertas HVS A4 bekas fotokopian. Tapi tetep aja kami tidak berhenti menulis. Kata pepatah: setipis-tipisnya tinta masih lebih tajam dari ingatan manusia. Kata Pramoedya: menulis berarti memetakan sejarah. Halah, kalo tulisan kita mah sebenernya gak ada hubungannya ama sejarah. Cuma mengukirkan betapa masa muda kami ini sangat indah. Dan jelas nggak mutu isinya. Jadi, mending kalo sisa-sisa waktu dan pengen baca yang tidak terlalu berguna sajalah baru buka blog kami... Tapi apapun komentar, masukan dan pendapat teman-teman, semuanya adalah cendera mata yang indah buat kami...

Ria dan Kristina (hualah, koyok undangan penganten. Amit2 deh. Lesbong juga pilih-pilih ah...)

About Us

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pindah2..tergantung mood, Indonesia
Sri Riyati Sugiarto (aka Ria) adalah cewek kelahiran limpung..(pinggiran kota Pekalongan)..habis sekolah di SMU St. Bernardus Pekalongan trus kuliah kedokteran di Undip Semarang..sementara Kristina Melani Budiman (aka Kristina) juga lahir di Pekalongan trus satu SMU ama Ria dan kuliah di Atma Jaya Jogjakarta. kami kenal di kelas 3 SMU tapi mo duduk bareng selalu ga bisa gara2 terlalu cerewet dan kalo duduk sebangku selalu bikin keributan karena hobinya menggosip jadi terpaksa sampai sekarang tidak pernah duduk bareng..untungnya kita ga satu kampus :p